Federation Dossier: Information on the Galactic Front

October 15, 2024

Troopers! We’ve gotten a lot of questions from you over the past few days on our fight in the Galactic Front against the Arachnids. We want you to enter the battle prepared, so we’ve taken the time to write up this Federation Dossier to answer your trooper's most asked questions to provide you the clarity needed to take this fight to the Bugs! Read below, troopers, and get up to date on how the Galactic Front works from Lead Game Designer Chaz Barker!

What Is the Galactic Front Event?

The Galactic Front is a limited-time event where players band together in Companies (Clans) to fight against the Bug menace and complete Company Operations. Winning Company Operations earns Victory Points (VP) for the Federation. Victory Points accumulate toward community-driven goals — all players work together to hit global milestones over the event’s duration.

How Long Will the Galactic Front Last?

The Galactic Front is an ongoing operation that lasts for several weeks. Each Front is a wholly new story and, as such, maybe longer or shorter depending on the way the narrative unfolds and what new mechanics or events occur.

Players will have this time to participate in missions, earn Intel, launch Company Operations, and contribute to the global Victory Point pool to unlock milestones.

The current front “A New Frontier” will last until the end of December to give new players a chance to participate during the holiday season but could end sooner if Victory Conditions are met! This also gives us time to analyze and re-balance. If the community completes the event before the last day the “Spoils of War” prizes will be awarded to all player accounts over the proceeding couple of days.

Do I Need to Participate in the Galactic Front to Get Rewards?

The Galactic Front represents humanity's efforts against the Arachnid threat. As such, if humanity wins, we all win! So in the spirit of that, if the community gets enough Victory Points before the end of the event, then everyone with an account at the time of victory gets the “Spoils of War” prizes.

The final milestone must be completed before the time runs out in order for the community to get the prizes. This is not assured. Everyone must DO THEIR PART!

How Do I Participate in the Galactic Front?

To participate, players can join or create a Company (Clans). Where they can complete regular missions to earn Intel for their Company. Company officers can then use Intel to initiate “Company Operations”, where your performance contributes to the global Victory Points earned. You can track the Federation’s progress in the “Galactic Front” tab of the main menu. You can also see the Federation's progress by looking at the uncovered areas of fog on the planet's surface.

What Are Company Officers?

The initial creator of a Company is automatically an Officer. This assignment gives the authority to create Company Operations using the Company’s shared Intel. However, they can also promote other members of the Company to Officers to help with the management of Company Operations.

Am I Required to Join a Company to Participate in the Galactic Front?

In a way, yes but we want to stress that players can create a very small Company even if just by themself and they can create Company Operations for the Community to matchmake into and contribute to the Victory Point total.

What Are the Different Types of Missions?

Regular Missions: These are the hourly missions that cycle and reward Intel, the currency used to initiate Company Operations. These missions are available even outside of Galactic Front events.

Company Operations: These missions are only available during a Galactic Front story event and require Intel to start and award Victory Points based on the performance of the Company members participating.

What are Company Operations?

Company Operations are special missions that the Company Officers can create using Intel. Think of it like a Mission Creation system. Instead of waiting for random missions to cycle, we want to give the Community more choices while still keeping our matchmaking time as short as possible.

Just like regular missions, Company Operations can have Mutations, but they also have specific Objectives e.g. “Kill 500 Drones” that give extra Victory Points if completed.

How Do I Create a Company Operation?

First ensure you join or create a Company using the Company screen accessed via the main menu.

Once you are part of a Company, and an officer, navigate to the “Play” screen as usual through the Main Missions flow.

Click the “Create Company Ops” button to see a selection of Company Operations to purchase for your Company.

Each Company Operation is a curated mission with different difficulty levels, mutations, maps and objectives to choose from.

Once an Officer has made a selection, they can spend the Company’s shared Intel to create that Company Operation for their Company and the entire Community to matchmake into.

If there is not enough Intel to purchase the Operation then members will need to complete regular missions to collect more.  This limitation prevents too many Company Operations being generated and the matchmaking system from becoming overwhelmed and slowing down due to the matchmaking population splitting up into smaller groups.

How Do I Earn Intel, and How Much Do I Need to Start a Company Operation?

Intel is a currency earned from regular missions, it accumulates in the Company’s wallet. The Company Officers can then spend that currency to create a Company Operation that troopers can deploy to for a pre-defined period of time (usually an hour).

Again, we want to give the Player Community more choice of missions and make them thematic to the current story. The Intel limitation is a mechanic to keep our matchmaking time as short as possible.

On average, each Special Operation costs about 100 Intel to initiate, but the cost scales up with difficulty. We balance this up or down to ensure the community isn’t too split up, this allows matchmaking times to stay low while giving more mission choices to players.

Company members can earn Intel by completing regular missions, and the Intel they collect is pooled within their Company for officers to use.

Troopers do not need to be within the same company to get the Intel rewards when joining Company Operations. Troopers can also use the Quickplay to join other Company Operations our current matchmaking will prioritize troopers joining these missions!

What Are Victory Points (VP), and How Do I Earn Them?

Victory Points are the primary metric for the Galactic Front. They represent the Federation's progress in the campaign against the Bugs. Victory Points are earned by participating in Company Operations, where players are awarded medals based on their performance. Each medal contributes a certain number of VP to your Company, and the total VP helps the global community hit event milestones.

How Are Medals Distributed in Company Operations, and What Do They Mean?

Medals are awarded in Company Operations based on performance. Each operation awards 1 gold medal for mission victory and potentially additional bronze, silver and gold medals based on the Objectives.

Each medal contributes a variable amount of VP, but the value of gold medals is always higher than silver and so on, for example,

  • Gold Medal: 100 VP
  • Silver Medal: 50 VP
  • Bronze Medal: 25 VP

The total number of VP earned depends on the number of medals and the number of Company members participating.

What Are Milestones, and Why Are They Important?

Milestones are community-wide goals that the global player base works towards during the Galactic Front. As the global Victory Points total increases, milestones are unlocked. As stated before troopers can also view this on the Planet's surface as the Federation clears the planet’s fog of war.

After a milestone is unlocked, a new set of Company Operation options will be made available.

These will have new maps, mutations and objectives that map to the current phase of the story or to special events that are advertised currently on our social media and Discord.

If the final milestone is unlocked before the time expires the whole player base is given rewards like cosmetic items, new content, or other exclusive customizations.

In “The New Frontier” Galactic Front, the rewards are a Boreas-themed Visor, Decal and Weapon Skin.

How Can I Track Our Progress in the Galactic Front?

Players can track the whole community's progression through the Galactic Front tab on the main menu. It shows the Intel Companies have collected, the number of Special Operations the Community has completed, and how close the global community is to reaching the next milestone.

What Happens When the Galactic Front Ends?

If the Federation finishes the final milestone before time runs out, the community has succeeded. The Sky Marshal will debrief and start preparations for the next Galactic Front. At the end of the event, all rewards are given to the entire community (all players with a game account). This distribution may take a few days as we deliver the Spoils of War to all troopers!).

If the final milestone is not achieved before the time runs out the Federation has failed in its objectives. The Sky Marshal will probably have something motivational to say about the matter and the rewards will not be distributed to the Troopers. Perhaps one day, they will be available again in a future Galactic Front…

Once the Galactic Front is over, normal missions will continue, but the special Company Operations will no longer be available.


We hope this Federation Dossier has answered some of the key questions troopers have been asking about the Galactic Front and our mission to defeat the Arachnid Menace. At Federation R&D, we want every troop to know that the Federation remains committed to supporting your efforts against the Bugs. Your feedback and field reports are vital to the success of our operations, and together, we will ensure victory!

Additionally, we have a message from Federation Command,

“We are incredibly grateful for the support from troopers on the field and we love hearing the feedback about Starship Troopers: Extermination from both newly enlisted recruits and long-time veterans troopers alike. We want to keep you all updated and let troopers know we are hard at work aiming to deliver the highly requested Company Search feature as soon as we can and continue to work on improving the Quality of Life with our social systems.

We aim to keep all troopers updated on our development, and we want troopers to feel reassured that the Deepspace Vanguard and Starship Troopers: Extermination will remain and that troopers can pick up and join the Federation cause whenever they are ready as we will continue to bring updates, dev blogs, and more to you all so you all can bring the fight to the Bugs!

Thanks, Project Lead Peter Maurice AKA [O] PMO"

If you want to chat with your fellow Troopers and get a first-hand look at what others have experienced in the Galactic Front, you can find more troopers in our Starship Troopers: Extermination Community Discord.

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