
Hello Troopers! (Updated March 7th, 2025)

Spring is in the air, which means it’s March—and time for another Development Update!

First, a quick message from Sky Marshall Ramsey:

        “Attention, Deep Space Vanguard:The Disputed Sands front is not progressing as we had hoped. Let me remind you all: failure is not an option. Get in there and do your part—we cannot afford to surrender Valaka to the Bug!”

Now, onto the next big release: Update 1.3. This update will be packed with optimizations, bug fixes, and highly requested features. The big surprise is the introduction of our dynamic sky and weather systems! Stay tuned for more news around this update through all the normal social channels.While we don't have an exact release date yet, we expect the update to arrive around the end of March or early April. As we get closer to finalizing the date, we’ll share more details on Discord and the Steam forums.

What's next? Well, there's a lot coming your way!

With Update 1.4, we're excited to introduce the Underbarrel Attachment for the Morita MK1. This has been one of the most requested weapon attachments since the game debuted in early access. It wasn't an easy task reworking our weapon system to add this secondary firing mode, but the effort has paid off. Thanks to this update, we're also able to introduce the Morita MK2 and Morita MK3 later this year. Plus, it opens the door to the possibility of adding secondary firing mods for other weapons in the future.

Now, what's next? Here's something fun that we've kept under wraps for a while! We've had many requests for a Cameraman/women class, and I personally believe that these men and women are some of the bravest Troopers in the history of the Federation. We wanted to give our Troopers the Cameraman/women fantasy while still staying true to our combat-first structure. We've chosen a solution that we believe satisfies the role and provides an invaluable benefit worthy of setting aside their Morita.

In Update 1.4, we’re introducing Broadcast Heroism—an opportunity for players to step into the role of a cameraman for the Federation. Troopers will have the opportunity to recover Federal Network Broadcast Cameras in the field and wield them to film their fellow Troopers as they battle the Bugs. While filming, it’s important for Troopers to protect the cameraman, Broadcasting heroic feats for the Federal Network provides an Morale XP Booster for Troopers on the battlefield. Cameras will begin appearing as Side Objectives in ARC and Horde, and can be found hidden around the battlefield in other game modes.

The community's passion and enthusiasm inspire us every day to keep improving and creating the best experience possible. We look forward to seeing you in the game and sharing many more incredible moments together. Thank you once again, from the bottom of our hearts.

See you in-game!

Peter Maurice, OWI_PMO

Please be mindful that everything below is subject to change based on the development progress and testing outcomes.