Announcing Update 0.7.0: The New Vanguard

April 9, 2024

Troopers! New developments are on the horizon! It has been highly anticipated and we want all troopers to ready themselves as we announce Update 0.7.0: The New Vanguard is set to launch on Wednesday, April 10th.

Keep communications clear and remain vigilant, troopers! Additional details will be disseminated very soon. Although there is a lot more Command has sent here is a summary of what troopers can expect regarding the next update.

New Classes

Update 0.7.0 will introduce six new classes, replacing the Hunter, Operator, and Bastion. They feature unique abilities, perks, and weaponry both specific to those classes but, with enough time, can be taught to other troopers. With these new classes, we were required to implement an XP wipe although this should be the last time this occurs. We hope you enjoy what Federation R&D has been cooking and that you use it for good in demolishing the Bug menace!

New Systems

We will be introducing a revamped Mission Selection Menu. We hope this ensures you can enjoy the 16-player experience Starship Troopers: Extermination aims to bring. We are also introducing a new ticket-based Reinforcement system. This comes from high up as the Federation cannot take too many casualties. Protect the Medic and make sure you work as a team so that everyone can make it to the dropship or Command will be forced to call the mission off.

New Progression Paths

Troopers can now progress their weaponry with Weapon Mastery allowing you to unlock new attachments and skins to show off to fellow comrades. Troopers can also now Re-enlist and serve the Federation once more like how a loyal trooper should. With re-enlistment, if you so choose, the Federation will provide new Custom Loadout Slots, Career Badges, and the ability to prove your mettle by going through the Ranks and Levels once more.

New Objectives and Events

With every mission comes obstacles, and troopers will find in Update 0.7.0 the chance of encountering new Side Missions to aid the Federation's goal. There will also be two new World Events. Keep your eyes on the sky and seek cover if you need to, as plasma has no allegiance. But also be wary of the ground as we have heard rumblings of a Royal Guard wandering the battlefield.

New Localization Support

Troopers come from all corners of the world, and we want troopers of all places to experience Starship Troopers: Extermination. With this update will be implementing Localization Support for a few additional languages! Join us today and show us what you got!


There is a lot more we'd like to share, and in due time we will. In response to your valuable feedback, we've implemented a plethora of Quality-of-Life changes, general tweaks and improvements to performance. Troopers also won't need to worry about their Federation-issued turret causing issues among the fireteam anymore... but they may need to worry about a new and dangerous foe.

Update 0.7.0 is the biggest update to date for ST:E, and we can't wait for you all to try it. We hope you all explore and become the trooper you wish to be as you join the New Vanguard. These pesky Bugs are none the wiser to what we're bringing to them, and we'll take these planets over from them as one! the devs join us over at the ST:E Community Discord!

To the New Vanguard!

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