Update 1.3 Patch Notes

March 24, 2025

Update 1.3 will be available for troopers to download at 10 AM PT (GMT-7) on March 24th, 2025.This patch is a collection of content, performance, and optimization improvements and bug fixes. If you'd like to discuss Update 1.3 with your fellow troopers, please feel free to join the Starship Troopers: Extermination Community Discord!

PLEASE NOTE: With this update your settings will have been reset. Please take the time to go through your settings if needed!

Staged Weapon Reloads

All weapons, except for the Sp.L.I.T Shotgun and Sp.L.I.T Shotgun (Slug), now feature distinct reload stages. This means that if your reload is interrupted for any reason, resuming it will pick up from the most recent checkpoint. No more restarting the entire animation every time it's interrupted!Checkpoints occur at key moments in the reload process, such as removing a magazine, inserting a new one, or charging the weapon. Additionally, when you remove a gun’s ammo source, its remaining ammo will either drop to 0 or 1 to reflect that the magazine has been taken out.

  • Weapons that drop to 0 ammo (e.g., the FU-17) must complete the reload before they can fire again.
  • Weapons that retain 1 round in the chamber (e.g., the Mk1) allow you to fire that last shot, but you'll need to reload before firing any more rounds.

This long-awaited quality-of-life improvement the community has asked for and should make reloading feel much smoother and more intuitive. We’re excited to finally bring this change to the game.

Ultra Dynamic Sky/Weather

Valaka, Boreas, and Agni Prime now have Day & Night cycles and Dynamic Weather. This means troopers will experience an always changing environment as they battle the bugs; be it the darkness of night, an emergent duststorm, or a sudden rain shower! Each planet has their own variety of weather systems which will add new challenges for troopers to contend with.

In addition to the idle weather, we have introduced Extreme Weather Mutators. The existing Sandstorm Mutator has been adjusted to include more variation in intensity rolling between mildly obscured, to significantly blinding. In addition to sandstorms, Troopers will have to contend with new Mutators as well; such as dramatic thunderstorms, freezing blizzards, and choking ashstorms.

The new Dynamic Weather and Day & Night cycles allows us to bring the oft-beloved (occasionally dreaded) Pitch Black Mutator to more planets. Pitch Black throws the Troopers into a terrifying fight in the dark. Keep those Light Beacons and Flashlights close!

Missions with these extreme weather conditions will be included in the regular Mission rotation.

Game XP for Disconnections

Players will now earn XP if they disconnect due to crashes or server disconnections. However, players marked as traitors will not receive XP for disconnecting.

Invite Friends to Your Company

Players can now invite others to their company directly from the player profile modal. Additionally, players can request to join or join a company through the same modal, even without an invite.

Weapon Mods

We have added two mods for the Sp.L.I.T Shotgun

  • Speed Loader is now available on both Sp.L.I.T variants.
  • Fast Rack Mechanisms is now available on the Sp.L.I.T slug.

Gameplay Tuning

Pilum Surplus

The Pilum Surplus Mutator has been changed to support more player choice. The Mutator will no longer replace every Trooper’s primary weapon, instead requiring Troopers to acquire the M-56 Pilum Rocket Launchers from MI Crates. A limited number of these crates can now be found hidden around the mission area.

Dart Utility

Darts (Stim/Scan) now draw from your Utility Ammo and interact with the perks Utility Utilization and Utility Satchel instead of Bandolier.

Client Performance Improvements

  • Bug rendering performance has been improved. GPU frame time is now independent of the number of bugs on screen.
  • Nuclear explosions are now properly culled, reducing their average frame time cost by around 40%.
  • Inferno Bug explosions and fire effects have been optimized for better performance.
  • Epic settings now default to Lumen Software, with Lumen Hardware remaining optional.
  • Hive Hunt eggs have been optimized.
  • Sparks from damaged buildings are now properly culled based on view and distance, improving performance.
  • Optimizations to the Box Collider for Bug attack hit detection.

Known Issues

  • For Steam Deck users, switching between Performance and Quality mode on Steam Deck during a match may cause the game to crash. This feature is currently in Alpha and will be improved upon in future updates.


  • Add new Steam Deck specific Video settings, Performance and Quality - This is in Alpha for Steam Deck users. We hope to improve this in future updates.
  • The player's avatar image now correctly displays their Steam avatar instead of the default trooper avatar.
  • Weapon swap will now not cancel melee attack animations or cooldowns.
  • The Watkins Trigger perk now correctly deals damage when triggering it with the Hi-Ex Grenade equipped.
  • Speed Stim Fabricator can now be destroyed when shot by the player.
  • Friendly fire has been removed from S.O.G missions
  • Fixed an issue where the Medic Stim Dart could not heal AI teammates in S.O.G.

Console Fixes

  • Addressed critical server lag on ARC Agni Prime.
  • Addressed lag issues during movement on AAS_Boreas_6.
  • Addressed lighting issues on AAS_Boreas_6, which caused allies to appear black.
  • Adjusted controller vibration intensity to be more in line with PS5/PC versions.
  • Adjusted Royal Guard spawn height in SOG Mission 19 to prevent incorrect placement.
  • AI troopers can now be healed and revived by the Medic Drone and Utility Items.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a party entered matchmaking while a player was still in the post-battle screen.
  • Fixed a game crash when restarting SOG Mission 9 after failing it.
  • Fixed a soft lock issue when the console entered Rest Mode while in the DLC Store.
  • Fixed a weapon grip animation issue that occurred when switching weapons while aiming.
  • Fixed an issue preventing tab navigation using shoulder buttons after closing popups in the social menu.
  • Fixed an issue where bugs could enter bunkers unexpectedly.
  • Fixed an issue where Join Friend via Activity displayed an incorrect status and failed to reconnect to matches.
  • Fixed an issue where navigation would break after applying changes in Settings/Accessibility.
  • Fixed an issue where swapping to a weapon with a scope caused the camera to zoom in if the player was previously using ADS before swapping off the weapon.
  • Fixed an issue where the "TDW-99 Morita Tactical SMG" weapon name flickered in Russian on the Loadout screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the Utility Satchel Perk incorrectly granted an additional unit of Utility LV Visor.
  • Fixed ember VFX stuttering when the Inferno Bug’s projectile attack disappeared.
  • Fixed lag issues in a specific area of Agni Prime (ARC).
  • Fixed missing string to open the Scoreboard on the Tactical Map.
  • Fixed server disconnects occurring during ARC and Horde game modes.
  • Improved Tac Map usability on controllers by adding better snapping behavior when hovering over objectives.
  • Resolved a critical freeze affecting all players and server lag for some players on Horde_Starport1.
  • Resolved a visual bug where two beams appeared in the Tutorial sky.
  • Resolved an issue where the Specialist Trooper would remain stationary in SOG Mission 9.
  • Resolved the crash that occurred during the Gunner Battle at the Bridge in SOG Mission #2 on PS5.
  • The RealtimeMultiplay Start (NONE and CPP) system message now correctly appears when a player gets disconnected and rejoins a mission.
  • Translated missing text in the matchmaking window and audio settings.


  • Corrected EN text showing for personal points in Horde mode.
  • Corrected language issue with the High & Low toggle for Sound Quality on the Settings Menu.
  • Corrected missing translations for Mission Objectives in matches, previously showing EN text.
  • Fixed "4-16 players" text in the Main Missions window, which was mistakenly displayed as a date in CN and DE.
  • Fixed a bug where the Pause Menu, Tac Map, and Scoreboard screens would close automatically upon taking damage.
  • Fixed an issue where SOG squadmates' health bars were not displayed on the player's HUD.
  • Fixed double space on the 'What is the Galactic Front' screen, likely due to hardcoded text.
  • Fixed EN text for Estimated Time on Matchmaking in the Main Mission Menu.
  • Fixed EN text for New Campaign Reset messages.
  • Fixed EN text issues in the description of Galactic perks.
  • Fixed font issue in DE where the Ü of 'FÜR' wasn't displaying correctly when capitalized.
  • Fixed incorrect display of mode as AAS on the End Match Screen instead of Horde.
  • Fixed issue where "Squad Push to Talk" was improperly visible on the Audio Settings menu.
  • Fixed issue where "TEAM" text in chat was shown as untranslated in certain locales.
  • Fixed issue where visual damage effects would disappear if the enemy was damaged by a chem grenade.
  • Fixed issue with variable for how long the player was offline, which was not working correctly.
  • Fixed mission objectives text that was getting cut off on consoles (this issue did not affect PC).
  • Fixed server crash that occurred on ARC_Comms map during gameplay.
  • Fixed text bleed of items and weapons on the Loadout Menu in RU.
  • Fixed text overlap in the Party window when the party is full.
  • Fixed the class names on the Loadout Menu to display correctly in the appropriate language instead of English.
  • Fixed the issue where "#ERROR!" text appeared instead of the earned points in Horde matches for the German localization.
  • Fixed the issue where the back face of the mesh was visible on Agni Prime cliff.
  • Fixed untranslated EN text appearing on the Company Report Window in the console version.
  • Fixed untranslated text in the "Speed Loader" weapon modification on the Loadout.
  • Fixed untranslated words on the Company menu.
  • Fixed untranslated XP text on the End of Match Screen.
  • Fixed weapon names in the Profile Stat screen, which were being displayed as debug strings.
  • Proximity Push To Talk is now properly labeled as "Local Voice Chat" in the Audio Settings menu for clarity.
  • The Recent Player List now correctly hides the user's own account from the list.
  • Removed the unnecessary Field Objectives UI from the Tac Map in SOG Mission #10.
  • Reordered the Settings options for better convenience.
  • Resolved a bug where players were unable to close the "Welcome" message when joining a company if they had accepted a party invite beforehand.
  • Resolved EN text issue on the 'Edit Company' window for Access options.
  • Resolved issue in JP language where Company Ops button was not showing when joined or created.
  • Resolved issue where "BP_AutoMGTurret_Gun_C" and "INVALID" asset names were visible in the Profile Stats menu.
  • Resolved issue where company descriptions with more than 200 symbols would display incorrectly on the creation screen.
  • Resolved issues with full stops and extra spaces in EN text.
  • Resolved missing string for the B key (Build tool) on the Tactical Map in the Tutorial (Xbox).
  • Resolved missing translation for EN text in the Settings Menu.
  • Resolved missing translation for Solo Missions - Collect Data.
  • Resolved text cut-off issue for the Company description in the Suggested Company Overview.
  • Resolved text overlap issues on the Profile screen and Re-enlist screen.
  • Resolved the broken text tag in the Profile for PT-BR language.
  • Resolved untranslated mutator description for "Hard Shells".
  • Team Push To Talk is now correctly labeled as "Team Voice Chat" in the Audio Settings menu to reflect its function accurately.
  • The grenade icon no longer stretches when set as a Favorite Weapon in the UI.
  • Thermo Charge's "Place Charge" text no longer persists after all charges have been placed.


  • Addressed an issue where audio became muffled after quickly opening and closing the Pause Menu.
  • Corrected a voice/subtitle mismatch in SOG Mission #12 during the Player Event - Mission Start voice lines.
  • First Aid Stim Dart utility now has the correct SFX when healing and reviving a dead trooper.
  • Fixed a bug where a dropship landing sound could be heard after loading into a Horde mission.
  • Fixed an issue where VO for Arc Slam progress would play after the Arc had already been destroyed.
  • Fixed issue where background music (BGM) would sometimes cut out abruptly or change tracks without reason.
  • Fixed the issue where the 50% Arc Slam completion VO on daytime Agni was sometimes immediately interrupted by nothing.
  • Fixed unintended X-11 ambiance audio playing between match join and intro propaganda sequence.
  • Hi-Ex Grenade attach sound effect now correctly plays only at the location it was attached.
  • Hitmarker SFX volume has been raised to be more consistent with the rest of the audio mix.
  • Resolved an issue where Stim Dart SFX would sometimes skip or not play when fired rapidly.

Art & Animation

  • Addressed terrain clipping issues with buildings in the AAS_Boreas_6 mission build zone.
  • Fixed an issue where Frost Warriors killed by explosions would incorrectly produce yellow Warrior limbs and body parts instead of their intended visuals.
  • Fixed backface mesh visibility of the rock near the dropship at the beginning of AAS_Starport3.
  • Fixed backface mesh visibility on the wall near M3B Dam Control.
  • Fixed floating rocks above the terrain where rock pile assets were misplaced.
  • Fixed floating rocks on the Valaka Plateau/Central Garrison Victor map.
  • Fixed hole in rock formation near the dropship platform in the MB3_ARC_RegionRefinery map.
  • Fixed inability to ping inside the Tactical Map while using a controller.
  • Fixed interaction with invisible platforms when joining an AAS mission.
  • Fixed issue where users could get trapped between crates on Agni Prime.
  • Fixed missing collision for some metal columns on the Valaka/CGV map.
  • Fixed missing rail collision at the top of the Tower Structure after it was damaged.
  • Fixed multiple clipping issues and rock collisions on the Valaka Plateau/Central Garrison Victor map.
  • Fixed snow texture stretching over built items on Boreas map.
  • Fixed Troopers clipping through steel beams on Agni Prime - Horde Mode site.
  • Resolved bugs getting stuck on Starport staircase railing which caused them to despawn.
  • Resolved clipping of ARC position on AAS_BrokenCommand3, which was clipping through structures.
  • Resolved floating rocks on X-11 map.
  • Resolved hole in rock formation on the Valaka Plateau map.
  • Resolved invisible platforms in the lava lake near MHQ on the M3B_ARC_RegionRefinery map.
  • Resolved missing collision for some steel columns on M3B Broken Command.
  • Resolved Trooper entering under the platform near M3B Broken Command.
  • Speed Stim animation now plays correctly even when there is only one remaining in the inventory, no longer skipping.

Gameplay & General Fixes

  • Added the missing "Deliver Ore to the Silo" secondary objective on the Tac Map for relevant missions.
  • Adjusted Royal Guard AI behavior so it no longer attempts to stand over players before attacking.
  • Adjusted the FU-17 Flamethrower fire VFX to prevent premature collision effects when firing through an Electric Fence.
  • E-Pulse 88 bullet explosion now correctly persists when reaching max range while in Siege Mode.
  • Enemies (Bugs) will no longer start moving while still in the recovery animation after being stunned.
  • Fast-firing weapons with small scopes no longer cause large random flashes that obscure the gun or walls.
  • Fixed an issue where squad members could get stuck inside the refinery in SOG Mission 3.
  • Fixed a bug causing AI troopers to remain stuck in a reloading state when using pump-action shotguns.
  • Fixed a bug where AI troopers' health would continuously deplete after exposure to a chem grenade during an SOG mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tiger could spawn stuck in the ceiling of a narrow tunnel in SOG Mission 9.
  • Fixed a context where the player could repeatedly trigger the Stim's "use on target" prompt on invalid targets.
  • Fixed a discrepancy where the Chi-Hong Grenade Launcher showed less damage on the stat screen than it actually dealt.
  • Fixed a mission failure bug where players would fail the mission if they died right after completing an objective and before the new respawn point appeared.
  • Fixed an exploit where players could farm XP using the Medic's First Aid Stim Dart on the bunker in AAS missions.
  • Fixed an exploit where the Trooper could gain XP from the Present Arms perk when other teammates died.
  • Fixed an issue where AI troopers would consistently miss their shots when a drone bug was in close proximity during SOG missions.
  • Fixed an issue where bugs would get stuck underneath the Horde_FDProcessing1 map.
  • Fixed an issue where the Guardian UAV did not consistently fire on enemies.
  • Fixed an issue where the Pilum Rocket Launcher was not dealing damage to eggs in the Hive Hunt mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the Twin MG Emplacement did not display sparks and smoke VFX when at low health.
  • Fixed enemy pathing issues in Build Zone A on Boreas, preventing enemies from getting stuck in specific spots.
  • Fixed issue where disconnecting and reconnecting the controller while Company prompts were displayed caused a softlock.
  • Fixed issue where enemies with orange blood produced green blood cloud VFX when struck by explosives.
  • Fixed issue where failed matchmaking attempts wouldn't show an error, leaving players stuck with a timer.
  • Fixed issue where players could get softlocked after closing the pause menu quickly after tabbing back into the game.
  • Fixed issue where shotguns would clip into the player's camera while sprinting and swapping weapons.
  • Fixed issue where the Beacon would float on certain structures when planted.
  • Fixed issue where the Demolisher did not gain the expected 30% damage boost to explosives when using certain items.
  • Fixed issue where the player could click the redeploy button during the extraction phase, preventing unintended actions.
  • Fixed problem where many hotkeys bound to the top face button in the main menu were not functional while using a controller on PC.
  • Fixed the issue where the warning SFX for Chi-Hong Adhesive Rounds were playing incorrectly.
  • Frost Bugs now properly maintain their corpses and cannot be cleared by bullet damage.
  • FU-17 Flamer fire stains on the ground now remain visible even when the player switches weapons or utilities.
  • Guardian's "Siege Mode" shield now correctly displays textures on the inside, even in dark areas.
  • Light Beacon now correctly disappears instantly when picked up by the user.
  • Morita XXX  ADS behavior now functions correctly after being downed and revived, resolving the brief scope malfunction.
  • Medi Trooper Special Ability "Medical UAV" now continuously heals allies as intended.
  • Overcharge Module: Emplacements can no longer be overcharged from too far away.
  • Portable Sentry Turret can no longer be placed on or inside buildings before being built.
  • Resolved a bug causing the Trooper to spawn at the top of Mobile HQ when starting the game in Horde Game Mode.
  • Resolved a bug where the Ranger did not receive the boost jet benefit when using it on steep slopes and ramps.
  • Resolved a bug where the Royal Guard in SOG Mission 21 would spawn in midair instead of the intended location.
  • Resolved an issue where canisters could still be deposited on the Mobile HQ and ARC after being thrown.
  • Resolved missing collision on stone meshes in Agni Prime, preventing unintended player movement through objects.
  • ServerCheckpointXP issue fixed: PendingXP will now correctly override ServerCheckpointXP when a player quits a match, preventing the overwriting bug.
  • The TW-2 SP.L.I.T Shotgun (Slug) now correctly prevents the fins from popping out after reloading and firing.

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