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Patch 0.6.2 is ready to download for troopers today February 8th, 2024 at 10:00 AM PT! (GMT-7)!

This patch is a collection of performance improvements and numerous bug fixes.

New Features / Content / Quality-of-Life

DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling)

  • DLSS is a form of machine learning that uses an AI model to analyze in-game frames and construct new ones either at higher resolution or in addition to the existing frames. It uses a technique called “Supersampling” to sample a frame at a lower resolution and then uses that sample to construct a higher-resolution frame.

FSR3 (FidelityFX Super Resolution)

  • AMD FSR 3 technology extends upon FSR 2’s upscaling by adding Frame Generation – the ability to generate entirely new game frames and present those to the user to improve FPS. FSR 3 adds two new technologies – Frame Interpolation and Optical Flow enhanced from AMD Fluid Motion Frames. FSR3 comes with frame generation, which doubles the frame rate, so if the game ran at 30 fps for you previously on your applied settings when enabling FSR3, the player should see the FPS double to 60 fps.

Please Note: If you experience any visual issues or crashes when DLSS or FSR3 are enabled please disable them and report the issue to our Support team.

We will also be adding a quick select menu option for Performance, Quality and Balanced defaults in an upcoming update. Right now, the setting is choosing the recommended render scale option for your setup when selecting either DLSS, FSR3 or Intel XeSS.

Global Illumination

  • We have added two new settings in Global Illumination
    • Lumen HWRT is hardware ray tracing, it uses the physical GPU hardware.
    • Lumen SWRT is a compute shader (software only) and does the ray tracing internally

Please make sure your hardware supports these settings, as performance may be impacted.

Grenade Rebalance

Reduced All Grenade Cooldowns:

  • Shock Grenade: 90 seconds → 30 seconds
  • MX-90: 90 seconds → 45 seconds
  • Scan Grenade: 90 seconds → 45 seconds
  • Cluster Grenade: 90 seconds → 60 seconds
  • Hi-EX Grenade: 90 seconds → 75 seconds
  • Chem Grenade: 90 seconds → 75 seconds
  • Napalm Grenade: 90 seconds → 75 seconds

Increased Damage for the following Grenades:

  • MX-90: Min Damage 80 → 250, Max Damage 500 → 1000
  • Shock Grenade: Min and Max Damage 5 → 100
  • Napalm Grenade Damage-over-Time (DoT): 30 per second → 40 per second

Design Note: The purpose of this first pass at grenade rebalancing is to make more grenades viable picks for troopers to bring into the field and reducing cooldowns across the board was a solid way to handle that. Additionally, the previous 90-second cooldown sat in a weird place of something where you’d use it once per deploy and then when you’d want to use it again it would be on cooldown so you’d forget about it. The goal of this pass is to make them more part of the core combat and a proper tool for troopers to deal with the Bug menace.

Dropship Adjustment

Dropship Ammo Locker

  • Reduced the amount of ammo on the Dropships to 16 per locker down from a bazillion. We did this to encourage more player utility use when the extraction phase is on


Inferno Bugs

  • Inferno Bugs have decided to make an appearance in AAS and ARC game modes on Valaka. Good luck troopers, KIll em all!

Notable Bug Fixes

  • Fix bugs walking through eggs
  • Fix bugs walking through destroyed structure models
  • Grenadiers have improved aim around the Security Outpost on Angi-Prime
  • Bugs are now respecting dropship and bunker walls
  • Fixed second set of light beacons so there are now usable
  • Fixed Inferno fire prohibiting player respawns in some cases

Performance Changes

Numerous reported crashes and bugs were fixed and addressed in patch 0.6.2 regarding performance and optimizations, Below are some of the highlights.

Server Performance Improvements

  • Fix case where the server was sending spawn events for bugs that could not spawn

Client Performance Improvements

  • Better video playback performance.
  • Fix a case causing extra bug spawn dust clouds to spawn when no bugs would be spawning

Map Performance Improvements

  • Phase 1 of the navmesh optimizations was completed on Valaka with Phase 2 coming in a future update

Other Improvements

  • Improvements made to the Gamepad virtual cursor to make it more responsive